Marathon Relay

Marathon Relay

Date:   3rd August, 2025

Time:  4:45am (same time and start as Marathon)

The Townsville Marathon is adding a special category to make the Marathon more accessible for this special 50th year.


You can assemble teams of 2, or 4 runners to complete the marathon. Each runner completes either one (1) or two (2) legs.

Marathon relay leg distances:
Leg 1: 7.6 km
Leg 2: 9.9 km
Leg 3: 9.9 km
Leg 4: 14.8 km

Team of 2 = $205 per team / Early Bird pricing = $164 per team
Team of 4 = $235 per team / Early Bird pricing = $188 per team

Early Bird pricing is available from November 16th 2024 - March 31st 2025 at 11:59pm. From April 1st all events will return to full pricing.

Marathon Relay Course Description

The runner doing leg 1 will commence from the Marathon start line alongside all the marathon runners and will follow the 10 km course description (city loop) up to the final 100 m where the 10 km course takes two right hand turns into the finish chute. Runner 1 will not make the final two right hand turns but will veer slightly right into a marked Marathon changeover zone to hand the team timing chip to runner 2 who will then proceed out and around the 10 km course (city loop) and return to the Marathon changeover zone and hand off the team timing chip to runner 3. Runners 1 and 2 do not make the right hand turns that lead to the finish chute after running back under the start arch.

All Marathon relay runners must circulate through the Marathon changeover zones regardless of whether you are handing over the team timing chip or not. The changeover zones are where the Marathon relay times will be recorded. If you do not pass through the official changeover zone your loop time and consequently the number of loops your team have completed will not be recorded and may lead to a Did Not Finish result.

Runner 3 will follow the 10 km course through the city, back around the perimeter of Jezzine Barracks and along Cook St to the junction with Hayes St. At the Hayes St junction there will be a Marathon changeover zone specifically for the runner 3 to runner 4 exchange of the team timing chip. Runner 4 will then proceed out and around the Pallarenda Loop and back to the finish line following the marathon course.

For teams with two (2) team members the same procedure applies whereby each runner must pass through the Marathon changeover zone on each circuit of the 10 km course (city loop) and through the Cook St – Hayes St junction Marathon changeover zone before heading out on the Pallarenda Loop. For example, if your lead runner is going to run the first two legs then that runner must pass through the changeover zone to have a time recorded for the first and subsequent laps.

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